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Image by Tom Rumble


There is no ‘silver bullet’ solution to the housing crisis we are experiencing today. However, we can make strides to ensure housing for all through several instances. If elected, my goal will be to listen to the urban planners, experts, and most importantly - the people of Raleigh to implement ideas that work for everyone.

Affordable, Low-Income Housing is a Necessity


  • Advocate for the responsible development of dense, walkable neighborhoods on our transit corridors (i.e. Capital Boulevard and Louisburg Road).

    • Keep developers in check from developing projects that do not serve the people’s best interests.

    • Approve projects that include affordable, low-income housing and consider the best option for the future of the City.

  • Support mixed-use developments in areas in which density is appropriate.

    • Dense developments are appropriate on major transit corridors and in areas in which the population of the area is expected to grow substantially due to various factors (e.g., economically, environmentally, etc.)

    • Single-family detached houses are not an effective form of housing that is neither sustainable nor affordable.

    • Provide people with housing options that do not limit the market to only single-family detached houses and high-rise apartments.

  • Create an open dialogue between homebuilders, developers, and the public to ensure the further development of affordable and low-income housing.

    • North Carolina is a “Dillon’s Rule” state which means that measures that are often utilized in other parts of the world (such as rent control) is deemed illegal to implement unless the NCGA provides such a stipulation.

    • It is important for municipalities such as Raleigh to work with everyone involved in the housing process to ensure that all needs are met in any new development project that is approved by the City Council.

  • Promote community land trusts as a means to expand permanent, affordable homeownership opportunities in Raleigh.

  • Focus on public investments to promote the development of City-funded affordable housing.

    • â—‹ Support measures such as the 2020 Affordable Housing Bond which allocated $80 million to the development of low-income, affordable housing in Raleigh until 2026.


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