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Image by Caleb George


With at least 5,000 new residents moving to the Triangle, the amount of traffic on our roads is expected to increase over time if we don’t take action now. 

My Plan to Reduce Traffic

I aim to reduce the need to drive everywhere in Raleigh by improving public transportation and expanding alternative transportation options across the city.

  • Make Bus Fares 100% Free - Indefinitely

    • Direct the City to seek grants and Federal and State funding to continue to fund free bus fares.

  • Expand our Transportation Options (Multimodal Transportation)

    • Ensure safe access to affordable, efficient modes of transportation ( bicycles, city bus, rail, etc.)

    • Support the development of commuter rails

    • As of today, our infrastructure doesn't support bikes and e-scooters. We must work to have the proper infrastructure in place.

  • Reform our Current Public Transit System

    • Increase buses on any given route by making bus driver pay/benefits competitive compared to other communities in the area

    • Improve and expand GoRaleigh routes

    • Expand our planned Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines

  • Advocate for Safe, Efficient, Divided Bike Lanes

    • Partner with organizations (e.g., Oaks and Spokes, Citrix, and other biking/skateboarding organizations and communities) to develop a comprehensive plan.

  • Improve our Roadways

    • Repair our failing roads

    • Update our aging infrastructure

  • Promote the responsible expansion of affordable, accessible walkable neighborhoods.

    • With walkable neighborhoods, people can be less inclined to drive when they are able to walk to their destination (the store, library, school, work)

  • Examine the plausibility of shutting down Fayetteville Street from vehicles indefinitely.                         

    • Create a main street atmosphere in which people are able to walk down the street and find local vendors lined up and down the area.

    • Emphasize the importance of creating a Place, rather than a Space.


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