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Min-issues and Min-itiatives

I am excited for the opportunity to work with you, my constituents, to achieve the best possible outcomes for the people of Raleigh.


With at least 5,000 new residents moving to the Triangle, the amount of traffic on our roads is expected to increase over time if we don’t take action now. 



There is no ‘silver bullet’ solution to the housing crisis we are experiencing today. However, we can make strides to ensure housing for all through several instances.


City Employees

We are facing a growing shortage of emergency workers and other city employees.

We must take action now in order to ensure ... city employees are being paid a living wage.


Small Business

 In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential for us to continue to promote, assist, and lift up our small business community in order for our economy to thrive.



Taxes should not continue to go up and be an additional burden on our property owners while corporations continue to get tax breaks for little to nothing in return. 



The offsetting of the carbon emissions that fuel climate change are essential to reversing the harm done to our environment. Let's work to make Raleigh carbon neutral by 2050!



It is imperative for us as a City to provide a way in which citizens are able to provide their input, learn about the latest happenings with the City, and more.



Policing is necessary, but its reform is just as vital. As our crime rate continues to climb, we need a police force that builds bridges with our community members.


Parks & Greenways

Our expansive greenway system is one of a kind, and our parks help to create a deep sense of place. It is vital we preserve and promote our greenway system/city parks.

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