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Image by Kenny Eliason

Citizen Engagement

Our country was founded on the fundamental principle of Democracy and valuing the voice of the people. As such, it is imperative for us as a City to provide a way in which citizens are able to provide their input, learn about the latest happenings with the City, and more. As Council Member, I will value transparency in our city government, and will eagerly listen to everyone’s concerns about issues that the Council considers.

Citizen Advisory Councils


  • Citizen Advisory Councils (CAC) were an inefficient/ineffective attempt to engage the people of Raleigh in the civic process.

    • Such groups only benefited those who attended (specifically those who had the time, money, and inclination to attend).


A City Government for All

  • Consider implementing projects that aim to inform and gain interest about city government from younger people.

    • Work with the City’s Office of Community Engagement to seek a program that aims to inform high school-aged students about the importance of city government.

  • Examine the plausibility of making information more accessible to the public

    • Send mailers and/or door-knockers to properties that will be directly impacted by rezonings to inform them of public hearing dates.


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